Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Finishing My Notebook

Just one page left in this notebook- it is one I made myself and I have been very pleased with it! I have two Coptic Binding notebooks to fill after this- although I am seriously considering re-sewing the bindings as I find them a little loose. Here are the last two but one!

So I made a mistake when creating this page- I accidentally wrote 'pen'. When I realised, I hastily added in brush, before realising it really didn't make much sense. Oh well, my linguistic capabilities suffer when drawing ;)

Watercolour Pencils, Pigma Micron.

Prismacolor Pencils, gelly roll pen (white), Pigma Micron (black)
This stuff is delicious! It is made from the native American persimmon (you can use the ones in the store) and is a very old recipe. This one was handed down from an elderly relative of my husband. It is worth mentioning that the settlers were known to have made Persimmon Pudding in Historic Jamestowne- one of the many recipes from home, adapted to their new foods they discovered.
My husband absolutely loves persimmon pudding- it is one of the few things HE cooks, because he loves it so much (not that he can't cook- he can, very well). We dole out very small slices, because Persimmons are seasonal. The ones that made this pudding were picked by ourselves. You can buy the Japanese types in the local stores from late autumn.
Native ones should always be collected after the last frost, and eaten when squishy- they need to be very ripe :)

1 comment:

I always enjoy your comments, so please feel free to leave them or message me if you cannot!
I will try and reply as much as I am able :)

I have turned on word verification because I am getting spammed without it! You can always use the audio feature if you can't read the words.